新疆亮子 发表于 2012-5-27 12:07:36


Dear ###

Many thanks for your enquiry.

The YiliValley, in western part of TianshanMountain in Xinjiang, will reach its peak in later May till early July, showing amazing scenes as you can see on my web.

So, welcome you during that time, either single or in group.

Assume you come in July, you will capture the last scene of this year’s flower season; while in August, you will enjoy juicy fruits, instead of flowers.

May I know how many people in your group? How many gentlemen and ladies? Are there senior (+60) and young people (-16)? It will be easier for me to make a plan to suit your needs once I know the complete information.

I’d be waiting for your further instructions!

http://www.alamhan.com http://kalajun.com

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